Eco tourism is one of the most significant areas for Atauro Island to develop.
Travel to Timor Leste is now possible for Australian citizens In fact Indigo/Atauro friendship committee members are planning a trips. The dry season which is July, August and September are the best months to visit Atauro as a tourist.
For more information you can visit the Island’s official website or contact one of the committee members. Most committee members have traveled to Timor Leste/Atauro on more than one occasion.
The internet and You Tube can be a good source of information.
Travelers have made You Tube film clips for example:
- Small Island Big Heart - Adam Constanza ,2018
- Free Diving Atauro island – The Way Overland ,2017
- Explore Atauro Island – Caroline Peterson ,2012
Professional Film makers have made films about the people of Atauro:
- Timor Leste Mermaids – Adara, 2018 (8mins)
- Priests of Atauro,Claudio - Savaget,2021,90mins)
Both films can be accessed through You Tube and are good viewing.